- Deleting account from Entrecard
- Unlink it from my main blog
- Hide it from my blogger profile
Hey folks! I am closing my other blog, My Little Black Pot for yet to be determined time. I know most of you guys would not be affected whatsoever, but I still want to let you know how much I effort did I make to ensure my daily life as a student and blogging world tally with each others. I have noticed that even my regular doses of reading blogs (as you could see in Addicted To’s blogroll) is rarely paying me a visit this couple of months. Although I must admit that it must be caused by my own self, who lately do not have enough time to drop by as I used to be.
Thus, in between dropping Entrecard, posting posts for both blogs and commenting back their own consequence readers, I had came to a solution for me to hold on to my life yet again. Oh, don’t forget those studies I have to cover. Tomorrow I will be having a mock job interview (preparation for the future graduate – though I will not be graduating for another 1 and a half year), Environment Engineering and Management test on Thursday and my Chemical Reaction test scheduled to be held sometimes next week. Not to mention tonnes of assignments need to be submitted. Oh, how I love student’s life!
So, it is no brainer to what I should choose. My study will always come first (followed closely with my addiction for TV series). Finally, I hope by closing My Little Black Pot down for a while will buy me some times to reconcile with my new and old readers. Have a nice day!