Damn those constantly changing policies from Entrecard (and I thought only Malaysia government practices this kind of act). Yeah, I know that Entrecard tries to enhance their services and marginalizes their profits (nothing wrong with that), but some of the changes are plainly unnecessary. For example, limit the EC transfer to another blog to only 1000EC per week is really restricted my Top Entrecard Droppers every month. Other than that, I think other changes are relevant with the current situation.
Just like last month, I would like to express my gratitude for these consistent droppers by credit them with 250 EC for top 3, 200 EC for number 4 till 6 and 150 EC for the rest of the top ten. However, I could only transfer those credits by batch. This week is for top 3, next week for top 6 and the last week for the rest of the remaining droppers. Continue reading to know who received it...
1. Stud Kickass: The Webcomic *up 2 spots from last month*
2. Picture to People *up 3 spots*
3. Is a mans world *new entry!*
4. restnrileks *slide down 4 places*
5. Snapshotcap *new entry!*
6. my review *new entry!*
7. ATNIZ *new entry!*
8. My Life At Ninety: Looking Back and Moving On *new entry!*
9. Clickdtalk *new entry!*
10. moms..... check nyo *new entry!*
EC Transfer schedule:
Week 1-2: 1. Stud Kickass: The Webcomic, 2. Picture to People, 3. Is a mans world
Update: I am really sorry. But I only managed to send the credits to my top 3 droppers. I will think off another way to show my gratitude next month. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Damn Entercard and its changes!
Once again, thanks for dropping your Entrecard here, and congrats to all my Top Entrecard Dropper for September! Wish to see you again next month!