Thursday, October 2, 2008

the word's on the street and it's on the news

Last night Scott and I saw the Virgins at Webster Hall.
First The Magic Wands opened. They're from Nashville and kind of have a Napoleon Dynamite meets MGMT meets a tame ARE Weapons vibe. Plus they placed some random toys on stage, including a huge lion stuffed animal (Narnia?) and a scary ET doll. Scott thought the girl in the band was hot. Her hair blew wild around her face from some hidden wind machine, so she did look pretty sexy. I liked their sound a lot, but I'm not sure how well-known they'll get because it's just the hot girl, a guy in sunglasses and a sound machine. But they are fun, and they're opening for The Kills on Oct. 3 at Music Hall of Williamsburg. Check them out!
Then we waited a little bit for the Virgins to come on stage. Killed it once again. But the crowd never dances enough. I seriously miss the intensity of Strokes crowds, an overwhelming crowd intensity I have yet to experience with any other band. (I think Jules just has the pipes to enrage and excite everyone simultaneously.) But anyway... The Virgins played a tight, short set. Donald was the sex as usual. Wade danced delightfully. Nick looks like he's taking a shit when he plays bass. Erik's drum skills are solid. And the new guy Paul keeps the whole piece moving. Though I do miss Donald on guitar. Thank God we still have Fernando Pando!

Scott loves Wade. I think they had a "moment."
Possessed Donald.
After their set, Scott and I went up to the balcony level to cool off. We stayed for about 3 songs of the Black Kids' set. The lead singer swings his guitar around his head like he's going to take someone out. They kicked ass, but we're old now and had to go home to sleep.